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Essence - ALL THAT GREYS LE - 01 7 shades of rose and grey :)

Pozdravljeni! Na drogerijskih policah ste morda že zasledili  eno izmed zadnjih omejenih izdaj v letošnjem letu - All That Greys! Kolekcija vsebuje senčila za oči v obliki svinčnika, umetne trepalnice, dva lip glosa, puder v prahu za obraz in telo, nalepke za nohte,  lake za nohte v petih različnih odtenkih, sponko za lase ter paletko senčil, ki sem jo tudi sama preizkusila! :) 

Hello! You might have already spotted this product at your local drugstores - it's another Essence limited edition, one of the last ones this year, called All That Greys! Collection includes two smokey eye pencils, corner lashes,  two lipglosses, porcelain loose face&body powder, nail stickers, five nail polishes, hair bandeau and an eyeshadow palette I have tried out!

Paletka senčil All That Greys v odtenku 01 7 shades of rose and grey vsebuje, kot že ime napove sedem različnih odtenkov senčil, ki pa vsa vsebujejo svetleče delce (shimmer). Embalaža je zelo všečna, elegantna črna z sivim potiskom ter roza napisom. Moja avtomatska asociacija ko vidim črte na pokrovu paletke je Great Gatsby film, ne vem zakaj, morda me spominja na kakšno sliko iz filma ali promocije filma. Vsebuje 7,7 grama izdelka, ki je po odprtju dober še naslednjih 12 mesecev. Na zadnji strani imate na nalepki tudi malce pomoči, kako si nanesti ličila - mini tutorial. Ko paletko odprete vas najprej pozdravi veliko ogledalo, ki se nahaja pod pokrovom - super za na pot in s sabo v torbico, pa tudi drugače obožujem paletke, ki vsebujejo ogledalo! Da potem ne nosim s sabo še enega, če je pa že tu! Poleg tega prejmete aplikator, ki ga za spremembo nisem odvrgla ali pač pospravila nekam na dno predala, ampak sem ga dejansko poskusila - aplikator je dvostranski, ena stran je klasična gobica, ki omogoča malce bolj intenziven nanos z rahlimi pritiski na veko, na drugi strani pa je mini čopič, ki sem ga poskusila in je zelo lepo kompaktno in tanko oblikovan, mehak in je primeren tako za nanos senčila čez celo veko kot tudi za zabrisovanje svinčnika ali nanos temnejšega senčila bolj natančno ob linijo z trepalnicami. 

Eyeshadow palette from the limited edition All That Greys is named 01 7 shades of rose and grey and includes as the name already suggests, seven different shades, which all include shimmer. Packaging is very pretty, elegant black with grey print and pink writing. My first thought was that this palette reminds me of Great Gatsby movie, I don't know why, maybe it's something in the design that reminds me of the promo photos for the movie. It includes 7,7 grams of product and once opened lasts for another 12 months. On the back you have a sticker with instructions how to use, a mini tutorial of sorts. Once you open the palette you are welcomed by a large mirror, which I always consider a big plus. I don't need to carry onether one with me if I have this palette on the go in my purse. You also receive an applicator, doublesided one which I have actually tried. One side carries a sponge applicator, good for dabbing the shade on your lids with gentle pads and the other side has a small compact, thin brush, a very soft brush, that can be used for applying the eyeshadow all over your lids or for applying darker shade as a liner.

Tekstura, pigmentacija, nanos - Senčila so res mehka, lahko bi rekla skoraj "kremna"/"maslena", enostavno se nanašajo tako s prsti kot tudi  s čopiči. Pigmentiranost je dobra, morda pri kakšnem senčilu malce manj kot pri drugem. Všeč mi je, da kljub temu, da so svetleča senčila, ne prevladujejo zgolj bleščice, ampak se vseeno še vedno razloči lep odtenek, tako na swatch-ih kot tudi na vekah. Senčila se malce prašijo, sploh pri temnejših je potrebno biti bolj pazljiv, ker se lahko usujejo iz čopiča/med nanosom in ustvarijo siv kolobar pod očmi. Priporočam, da nanašate počasi in po plasteh, ter vsakič preverite, da nimate preveč izdelka na čopiču ;)

Texture, pigmentation, application - These eyeshadows are really soft, buttery, the application is easy, may you use your fingers or brushes. Pigmentation is good, maybe a bit less with some shades than the others, but in general it's good. I like that even though these shades are shimmery they are still pigmented enough that you can see the shade on your lids, not just shimmer. These are a bit dusty, you need to be careful while applying that these don't fall on your under eye area. I recommend you apply slowly, build it up and make sure you are not having too much of the product on your brush, especially with darker shades you can end up with a grey circle under your eye.

Odtenki - Paletka vsebuje sedem odtenkov, tri roza ter štiri sive. Izbor odtenkov je idealen za vse, ki obožujete smokey eyes look oziroma izgled zadimljenih oči, vendar ne želite, da je klasično temno siv - črn.  Ker prevladujejo svetlejši, nežnejši odtenki, je paletka idealna za vsakodnevno uporabo  - služba, faks, vsakodnevni opravki... Prvi trije odtenki so rozasti in se stopnjujejo po intenziteti roza barve. Prvi odtenek je najsvetlejši in najbolj primeren za posvetlitev notranjega kotička očesa ali pa za posvetlitev področja pod obrvmi. Drugi odtenek je nežna roza, ki se tudi na vekah kaže malce bolj roza ampak zelo umirjeno in nežno kremno roza, tretji odtenek pa je najmočnejši, najtemnejša roza - vendar ne gre za klasično roza, baby pink roza, temveč bolj za umirjen odtenek,  s toplejšim podtonom, morda celo malce bolj mareličnim. Sploh to tretje senčilo mi deluje bolj marelično rozasto kot pa klasično rozasto. Naslednji  odtenki pa so variacije sive. Četrti odtenek v paletki je zopet zelo svetel, deluje bolj nežno srebrn kot siv, drugi je malce bolj intenzivno srebrno siv, zadnja dva pa sta najbolj idealna za poudarjanje pregiba veke ter ustvarjanje smokey look-a, saj sta najtemnejša, zadnji odtenek je res najbolj temno siv. Idealen tudi za ustvarjanje črte ob trepalnicah.

Shades - This eyeshadow palette includes seven shades, three pink ones and four grey ones. The choice of shades makes this palette perfect for all who love a good old smokey eye look, but don't want it to be just classy grey-black one. The lighter shades prevail in this palette, more gentle tones, which makes this palette perfect for everyday use - work, school, everyday errands,... First three shades are pink-ish and they  are intensifying from first to third shade. First shade is the lightest of them all, barely pink at all, more suitable for your inner eye corner or for under brow area. Second shade is a more intense pink shade, but looks very gentle, downtuned and calm pink shade. Third shade is the darkest of the pinks, but it is not a classic pink shade, to me this looks more like an apricot pink, which actually makes it a lot more wearable. All three shades are not classic pink shades, they are more creamy, more gentle and more warm toned. The next four shades are variations of greys. Shade four and five seem to be more light and actually more silvery grey. The last two shades are the darkest in the palette and are perfect to use in your crease and to create a smokey eye look. The last shade is the darkest, deep grey, bordering black. Also perfect shade for lining your eyes instead of using eye pencil.

Obstojnost - Sama imam mastne veke in večne težave z obstojnostjo senčil, še najboljšo sem dosegla z Urban Decay podlago ter z Avon podlago za senčila. Senčila so bila na mestu vsaj približno pol dneva, nekje 6 ur, preden sem opazila, da so se pričela malce izgubljati in bledeti. Malce odvisno kakšne odtenke sem izbrala, drugi ter četrti odtenek se nekako najslabše vidita na veki, tako, da ju raje uporabljam za notranji kotiček veke.

Durability - My eyelids are greasy and I have a lot of troubles with making anything last on them. My best was with use of Urban Decay and Avon eyeshadow primer. With those two I have reached up to half of the day, about 6 hours, before I have noticed any changes in my look. It does depend also on which shades I have chosen, for example, second and fourth shade are so light on my eyelids they tend to dissappear first, so I started using them only in my inner corners.

Ter še swatchi odtenkov :) And swatches :)

Ste že opazili kolekcijo All That Greys? Vam je všeč? Ste morda kaj poskusili iz kolekcije in mi priporočate? :)

Upam, da vam je bila ocena v pomoč! V kolikor vam je objava všeč, bom zelo vesela, če jo boste delili naprej!

Najlepša hvala za pozornost!

Have you already noticed this collection in the stores? Do you like it? Maybe tried something and you recommend it?

Hope this review was helpful to you! If you liked this post I would be very happy if you share it! 

Thanks for reading!

Love, UniqaPoly

*Izdelek sem prejela v oceno /PR product

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