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Cenk Uyger's tribesmen attacks women in rural backwards sprawl mall near Seattle

Andy Cruz
   One of Cenk Uyger's people committed a terrorist act in another mall attack in Burlington Washington. Arcan Cetin walked into a Macy's and opened fire and briskly walked away as nothing had happened and the Turkish migrant that this country foolishly allowed into the country was arrested the following day. The amount of money given to the US government by the cetin family to be allowed to enter this country is not known. Muslim migrants are emotionally  and mentally unstable and how this country can continue to allow the immigration of these rural backwards religious extremists from lands of this "faith' is incredible and what little outcry there is on your government allowing these mentally unstable people to settle. Image result for cenk uygurI am convinced that if these same global interventionists today had control of the US government and immigration policies during World War II you would have Japanese pilots both trained and taking off from LAX dropping bobs on Fort Knox. This Turkish nut should of never even been in this country and because the US has the ability and land to bring in ore people doesn't mean we have to open the borders. This is something the Cenk Uyger's of the media world espouse and inside the wicked mind of  Cenk Uyger he can relate to the difficulties that this Arcan Cetin felt alienated in this country seeing girls in shorts and more churches than in his native Turkey where religious minorities were encouraged to leave at best and at worse killed. was Arcan a nut much like Cenek Uyger seems to appear as he films his liberal Young Turks propaganda video channels? Only time will tell and basically the disturbed mind of the Muslim makes them hate all others whether over there or now increasingly over here. I say lets keep these people over there until they can get mind clearing and learn that the Koran and any following of a system form the sixth century is deserving of living in a maroon state Image result for arcan cetin mall shooter

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