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Jim Jordan confronts FBI Christopher Wray director and considers running for president

Arthur " King" Eaton

    Jim Jordan had a congressional hearing  where he got to ask FBI director Christoper Wray and wondered about several cases  where the FBI is targeting people and busting door s because they should up for a day of protest on Washington DC and were lead into the capital building and now they are being treated as an invading army Jim Jordan eviscerated this  Biden FBI rat director why he is being so tonight  based on political thought and ideology and the Ohio congressman wondered whether the  FBI is targeting and going after the thousands of left-wing  insurrections that since the George Floyd drug related

death have numbered in the thousands and caused the death of over fifty people but all we hear in the media is about January 6th.  Jordan doubts whether the Biden FBI is taking the radical Marxist domestic terrorism as seriously and he is disturbed by reports of the FBI taking peoples copies of the constitution when they try to show these agents the abuses they are committing in their raids and how they are going after the constitution and breaking all of the rules with their aggressive stance and tactics in investigations. Naturally this idiot Christoper Wray says he couldn't comment on personal

cases that Jim Jordan was taking about as these endless investigation continue and this was about all this FBI jerk had to say over and over again he faced tough congressional hearings of the causes of the FBI in recent months embolden y the mainstream media to go after peoples rights and constitutional rights. Jim Jordan was so outraged at this committee of judiciary security and to get the answers he was not getting congressman Jordan is once again setting upon plan for a potential presidential run in 2024 and Jim Jordan may be the third favorite if he decides to run behind former president Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Look for Jordan to commit by early 2023 whether he will actually hold his long waited presidential run for the presidency of thee United States where he can really deal with people like Anthony Fauci and Christopher Wray.

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